I am not very good with writting, especially not about
myself :)
I am 40+ years young, live with my daughter Christine and two cats - Precious
and Sweety.
We live in the south of Sweden in a town called
we got about 20 minutes boattravel to
Helsingör in Denmark.

I always been fascinated with other peoples talent to make homepages,
so for about 5 years ago I started to try myself.
Since I didn't have any knowledge about building pages or html I started
with a "what you see is what you get" program.
my first pages where "published" on the net in October 1999,
actually I made 6 pages 'lol'
I try to work on my pages a lot, though it can take some time 'lol'
and I try to learn new things as I make them, like scripts and now lately
I started drawing my own graphics.
I love to redecorate and add stuff to my pages...
I am very proud of what I have acomplidge through the years ...
from 6 pages to over 200 'lol'

Yes it is me.. borrowed Cher's clothes ;)
The graphic is made by me with help
from tutorials
Snowdrop design
Personal Pages ~
About me ~
100 things about me ~
Christine - My Daughter ~
Sunny - Our Dashhound ~
Peter - my lovely brother ~
Precious and Sweety
- our cats
Mom and dad ~
Mom ~
Dad ~
Grandma Wivi ~
Grandma Algy ~
Sitemap ~
aka "Swedish Goddess"
Updated 2005-01-30
content & Pagedesign
© Mian
- and so on:)