My Grandmother Algy
November 1st 1923 - January 19th 1998
When I was younger and my parents where married we lived close to her,
it was the house next "door"
So it was always close to get some candy or cookies at grandma's
and I always
walked through her house on my way to school.
And each summer from I was 6 to about 14 years old we spent the
summer in the
South of Spain,
it was a great time and grandma fixed all the food, she was one great cook.
She poured so much love (and a lot of whipped cream )
in the food and it tasted so delicious.
I longed all winter and spring that it would become summer
and we could leave
Sweden and spend a bit over 2 months in the house in Spain.
It was a great time, with a lot of sun and being able to play
in the swimming pool
all day and
I consider myself to be one lucky kid to have a grandmother with a
house in Spain,
have some great memories from that time.
And when I think of my Grandmother she is standing in the kitchen
in the house
in Spain and making dinner for all of us..

Makes me sad to think that grandma never
saw her sons first grandchild,
grandma passed away 3 weeks before my daughter
was born.
One day I will take my daughter to spain and show her the house
where I had so much fun and other places that still have a special place in my
Thank You Grandma for making my summers so very very special :)
