It’s Sweden's
national day and the Swedish flags day.
The Royal
Family always comes to Skansen in Stockholm (the whole event is broadcasted on
he holds a speech and lots of artists are performing.


One of the
most popular festival days in Sweden is Midsummer’s eve. It is an old pagan
celebration from the Viking Era. Once dedicated to the Norse fertility goddess
Freya, the longest day of the year is today celebrated on the weekend closest
to June 24, St. John the Baptists Day . Originally it was a fertility rite,
where the May pole was a phallic symbol, impregnating Mother Nature. The pole
thought that it would help to get good harvest in the autumn. The day of
Midsummer’s eve is on the longest day of the year (summer solstice),
signifying that summer has reached halfway point.

Sweden, families and friends gather to decorate the maypole with birch
leaves and wildflowers, make flower crowns for women and girls, dance around
the maypole, sing summer songs and feast on pickled herring, new
potatoes, and aquavit. In addition, many families have their own special foods
that they traditionally serve to round out the Midsummer meal. These are
usually dishes that can be prepared ahead of time and easily served outdoors,
such as vegetable quiche, vegetable terrine, meatballs, or prinskorv, tiny
smoked sausages, often accompanied by a wedge of cheese, bread and a green

would not be Midsummer without strawberries, preferably Swedish strawberries,
served with sugar and whipped cream.