Easter is one of the most important holidays of the year, next to
Christmas and Midsummer.
Other than celebrate the Christian tradition,
it’s a celebration that spring is coming.
Long before Sweden became Christian, people thought there was wishes
and they worked with the devil himself, people thought that under
Easter the witches
flew to "Blåkulla",
where it was, nobody knew!, many children dress up as witches on Easter eve,
they paint their faces and knock on peoples doors asking for candy or money,
in exchange of a song or a drawing…
In the old days people lit "Easter bond fires" to scare away the witches
and evil things

Easter Today
It begins with "Skärtorsdag" (Pink Thursday), most people quit there job earlier,
children dress up as nice withes and knocks on doors to get candy or money.
We have Easter decoration of twigs adorned with colored feathers and put yellow daffodil on the tables

The comes "Långfredag" (Long Friday) and then Påskafton (Easter eve)
with the Easter buffet, painted eggs
(The egg symbolize that all life in nature comes to life again after the winter.),
salmon and herring in different sauces.
The children get "Easter eggs" filled with candy or toys.

Easter Day follows and then its Easter Monday and everyone is free from work or school

Walpurgis Night
The celebration of Walpurgis dates back to the Viking Era.
It was a festival to honour the return of spring,
and is only one of the several pagan festivals still celebrated in Sweden.
The name comes from a German saint ”Valborg”
It is always held on the April 30th. Bonfires a lit all over Sweden and songs are sung to welcome spring.
The King have his birthday on April 30th, and that’s why it is also a flag day.