A friend I known for some years now, but not until recently
began to email and chat with.
She is a woman with a big heart and a great (sometimes totally crazy) humor.
She really makes me laugh.. she is hilarious...
She been a great friend of mine when I was (am) going through
a though period of my life,
she knows what I am going through and she support me and makes me feel good.
Thank You ctherese for being my friend!

She have a lot of fun things to say and find the most
hilariuos stuff that she send me 'lol'
She have a strong faith, but not afraid of having fun ;) *hehehehe*

I LOVE HUNKS! and ctherese have her own way to coooool me
down 'lol'
I got this after sending a picture of Marcus Shenkenberg ;)
Well, dear, I don't know who Marcus Schenkenberg is, but looks like you could use a little dunk...make that a big dunk! LOL!!!

You send a hunk, you get a dunk!!
and the dunk is mild compare to when she bring out the hose

Then again.. I always got the hose or the dunk.. never the
guess I am toooooooo bad 'lmao'

This is sooooooooo cute..
Thanks my friend :)
November 6th 2002
"I saw this and thought of you"
isn't that sweet...

November 10th ~
What a beautiful gift I received this morning from CT.
She made it for the two of us... I LOVE IT!
"Rise and shine!! I hope you got some extra sleep this
but I know you probably didn't. Poor Mian!!
Here's something I made for you. I'm not good with animations,
so I made the background the same color as your page so that it will blend in okay.
Hehehe Oh, and I also made one that matches the page I made for you and put it on your page.
Hope you like it!!
Hugs and Love,
Was playing in PSP one day and made these for my friend

ctherese Page

Click on the "Goddess" to visit my friends pages:)
Backgrounds from:
Jonothon Bowser Goddess